How to Work with Big Brands as a Small Influencer (And Get Paid for It!)

So you’ve seen every Bachelor contestant known to man selling skinny-fit tea. And you’ve noticed Julie with 1.2 million followers traveling the world, sharing bikini ad after bikini ad. So how do they do it? And more importantly, how can you get involved? You’ve done everything right, and your Instagram has officially taken off, but, you don’t have a million followers. Maybe you don’t even have 10,000 followers. So do brands want to work with you? How can you get paid to promote brands on social?

First, let’s break down the numbers.

Brands care more about something called your Engagement Rate than they do about the number of followers you have. Your engagement rate is calculated by looking at the average number of likes/ comments divided by the number of your followers. So, for example, let’s say you have 1000 followers, and each pictures gets an average of 100 likes/comments. That would make your engagement rate 10% (this is a great number!). Now let’s look at an account with 100,000 followers, and an average of 1000 likes/comments. Their engagement rate would only be 0.1%- not a great number! So even though you may be smaller, as long as your followers are engaging with your account, you’re considered more valuable in the brand’s eyes.

Why does the Engagement Rate matter to brands?

A brand is paying you to promote their products, in order to sell, sell, sell! If you have an audience that is truly interested and engaged in what you have to say, then they are more likely to buy what you’re promoting. Simple! This is why it is extremely important to build an authentic, real audience (and why engagement pods/ buying followers is simply fraudulent). If you fake your followers and/or your engagement, then the people following you most likely don’t care about your recommendations, meaning you’re not going to be selling much product.

Where to Start?

Based on your numbers, if you are a small account with a large engagement rate, then you most likely have a large influence on your followers. Big brands DO want to work with you! Why? Smaller influencers are cheaper and are able to post much quicker than large influencers. Plus, you can generally go directly through them instead of dealing with agents/ agencies. So now that you’ve gained a ton of confidence (trust me, you’re #worth), it’s time to get started!

Media Kit

The first thing you want to do is make a Media Kit. A media kit is a sort of creative resume that shows off your stats, your contact info, and the types of services you offer. This makes you #legit. You can create this with resources such as Canva (start a free account with them!), and use other free resources to find your stats. I like Phlanx to calculate my engagement rate, and I take my other stats from my actual Instagram business analytics, in the app. Add a few photos to show off who you are, and wham bam you’re in business!

Initial Reach Out

Now it’s time to find your first deal! This takes a bit of prep work, so get started on your prep work before you even send an email. First, ensure you’re following the brand on Instagram and interacting with their posts. For many companies, the person handling the social media presence is also the one hiring influencers for sponsored media, and will hopefully remember you had been interacting with their account. Write insightful comments, like everything, and respond to their stories! Be sure to also tag, tag, tag! Wearing their product in a post? Tag them! Talking about how much you love them in your stories? TAG! Force them to know your name!

Next up, send a reach-out email. Don’t do this over DMs!! If you can’t find a contact email, then reach out via DM asking for the best contact for their brand rep. Once you have their email, sit down and write. I am providing a template for a good initial email. You’ll want to say explicitly how you can help them by promoting their brand, why you’re interested in this brand specifically, and include your Instagram/ any blogs you’ve/photos you’ve shared written about their industry as an example.

Sample Email I wrote to a dog food company:

Hello {Company Name} Team!

My name is Hannah Schneider and I am a Content Creator/ blogger out of {Your City}. I run a blog for {describe your audience} all about {describe your niche, what your blog is about}. My blog keeps women informed, inspired, and educated on all things pop culture, wellness, fashion, and how to care for man’s best friend.

{Share your experience with the product and how it has helped you}

I have been feeding both of my dogs your product for almost a year now, and I am amazed at the quality. One of my dogs, Rylee, used to have super itchy skin and was very picky, often not eating for days if she didn’t like what we were feeding her. Now, her itchy rashes have gone away and she NEVER skips a meal!

I have an active and engaged audience on both Instagram and on my blog, and I think that my combined audience would benefit from learning about your products. I have followers all over the US who don’t seem to know what to feed their dogs. I think we can change that.

After showing my audience a short clip of my dogs enjoying their {product name}, I would like to feature more of your products on my blog and Instagram.

Here is a sample blog that I wrote to help dog owners combat separation anxiety in their pets.

You can also view my Instagram here.

Does {Company Name} ever collaborate with Social Media Influencers? If so, I would love to work with you. As a growing blogger/ Influencer, I want to bring more awareness of superb products such as {Company Name} to my followers. Let me know if you would be open to chatting more about this potential partnership.

All the best,

Hannah Schneider

Owner of Harper Grey Lifestyle, LLC

After sending that email, I got my first collaboration within 10 minutes. Seriously, that fast!

Pick a couple companies and send out emails. Prepare to receive some no’s, but don’t let that stop you! This is sales baby!

A campaign I did for True & Co.

Prepare your Offer:

So what should you charge? SHOULD you charge? Here are some good guidelines to go off of. Smaller influencers (>10,000 followers) still deserve to get paid for their work! Imagine your boss telling you to work for free for a week in exchange for one item of clothing from inventory. Would you do that?? No way! Your effort, skills, and creativity have given you a platform, and you deserve to get paid for your work! Now, let’s say the company want to offer a free product in exchange for promoting them on your social accounts. Generally, if this is a product you really want, or it has a pretty high numerical value (<$100), then it’s fine to take the product in exchange for the work. Many brand new influencers will also do this exchange. This totally fine, just make sure you aren’t selling yourself short!

Utilize a Website to Help Find Brand Deals!

Looking for smaller, one-off collabs? Utilize websites such as Heartbeat, AmbassadHer, Fohr, Glambassador, Palm, and AspireIQ to get teamed up with brands! My personal favorite (and where I’ve found most success) Is Heartbeat. This is excellent for smaller influencers! Create your profile and simply apply to any campaigns that fit. When you are accepted to a campaign, you will create your content and share it, and once shared, you will be paid via PayPal. These sites will generally calculate your rate for you based on number of followers/ engagement. 

I sincerely hope this helps get the ball rolling for you! Remember, influencer marketing is one of the most effective ways to sell a product in this day and age, so don’t EVER sell yourself short! Companies want to work with you! Good luck, and as always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to DM or email me.



Want more awesome Instagram tips? Be sure to follow me on the ‘gram!

An Open Letter to the Struggling Content Creator

I’m here to write a bit about hope. And I wish that by sharing a bit of my story, I can inspire you to write your own. You see, only a year ago I was a different person than the woman I am today. A year ago I was lost, riding an emotional roller coaster. I didn’t know what I wanted out of life, my career, love, really anything. I had lost my spark, and my passion, and all I wanted was to sleep, because that was so, so much better than my reality.

I worked in a job I hated. They were awful to me, and I felt like every single day I tried to walk in with my chin held high, and they would throw rocks at me until I crumbled. When I lost that job, I felt like a failure (I wrote a whole blog post about that earlier this year!). Life was rough.

I took 6 lonely months off, when I decided to start HGL. It started as something completely different than it turned into, but I tried to let it go wherever felt right. It was my boyfriend, John (AKA love of my life) who convinced me to start an Instagram. I started it without a clue of what I wanted it to become.

Suddenly, I found a community of creators. People lived in a world of color, while I was living in black and white. People shared their ups and downs, their triumphs and trials, and their successes and failures. I found a community of people who were just like me. And so I watched, and studied, and took in as much knowledge as I could. I replicated their work, giving them full credit for inspiration, of course, but I just wanted practice.

Over the course of those 6 months, I never could figure out what I wanted to do. I seemed to be ‘wasting’ all this time on Instagram and planning little photo shoots in my house. Oh, and spending all my boyfriend’s money on clothes (ha, sorry John). I was lonely and took a job to support my (healthy) addiction to shopping, and to find my IRL community once again.

And then one day, it hit me. Hard. I was happy. FINALLY. I suddenly knew that I was a creator. That’s it, I just needed to create. If I could do that, I would be happy. So I stopped worrying about how many followers I had, or how many likes my pictures got, and started focusing on my own vision for my brand. I found real, amazing friends in this little corner of the internet. I was waking up inspired!

So, tonight I was reflecting on my life. How even when I feel sad, or anxious, or fearful, I can’t seem to push my happiness aside. It’s there now, deep inside of me. I’m pursuing my passion and learning every day, and now I can’t NOT be excited!

So I wanted to write to you. You, who may feel lost. Who may not feel good enough. Who may be comparing themselves to other creators. And I want to remind you that what you have is so unique, so beautiful… You are a creator. You have special ideas that nobody else in the whole wide WORLD has! You are a special little snowflake, and you will find that happiness that we all crave. All you have to do is let yourself do what you’re supposed to do. Don’t question it! Just let yourself live and be happy. When you find a passion, FOLLOW IT. STALK IT. MAKE IT YOURS!!! Never give up on a passion, because who knows how many we get, right?? My passions include: dogs, spaghetti, and content creation. (Okay, maybe a few more, but who’s counting).

My point is, you will find yourself when you least expect it. So let it happen. Focus on the positive in your life and it will find you. I love you all to pieces, and of course, I’m always here if you want to talk.

All the best,

Hannah xx

Getting Comfortable Posing in Front of the Camera

Picture this: you see influencers all over Instagram showing off their natural poses, pretty smiles, and hair flips. They look fabulous, and it looks so easy! You grab a friend (or a tripod) and set out to take a couple candids. Suddenly, you’re standing in front of the camera, biting your lip awkwardly, stiff as a board. How does everyone else make this look so easy?

That was me when I started my Instagram journey. I was a budding photographer with lots of awesome ideas, but whenever I was in front of the camera… well, it was another story. Awkward is really the only word that comes to mind.

Since then, I have been slowly improving my posing game, and I’m here to spill all those juicy secrets on how you too can make yourself super comfortable in front of the camera.

Step One: Embrace Your Insecurities

Let’s face it, we all have insecurities. As a body-positive blogger, embracing my curves on camera was something I had to get comfortable with, and quickly. I remember taking tons of photos, only to look at them and sigh. I would hate them ALL. The fact of the matter was that I wasn’t embracing my curves, I was hiding them. Once I started sticking out my butt in photos, or grabbing onto my hips, not only did I gain confidence, but my photos looked better and better. Easier said than done, I know, but try this next trick to begin the process.

Step Two: Find People in Your Niche to Look Up To

Suddenly, I began following a ton of super creative, confident, curvy women on Instagram. These women weren’t just posing, they were posing in their underwear. This made me realize that if they could become comfortable with their bodies (that looked just like mine!) that I could learn to be comfortable in my own skin. I studied their poses, created mood boards, and looked to those women whenever I felt down. This helped tremendously!

Step Three: Bring Props!

Need something to focus on? Bring a prop! Props are an easy way to give your hands something to do when they feel awkward, and will also give your photos a little more oomph. When I first started, I made sure to always hold a purse. Now, I have branched out to some other creatives, such as:

  • A Fruit
  • Bubbles
  • Balloons
  • Flowers
  • Coffee!
  • A Hat
  • A Camera

Step Four: Move Ya Body!

Movement is an easy way to avoid looking stiff in front of the camera. Flip your hair, spin around, jump…. Try some fun movements in front of the camera and check out a fun result! Sometimes even having a full-on dance party in front of the camera can help you loosen up enough to get a really fun pic or two.

Step Five: Give Yourself TIME!

Like anything in life, practice truly does make perfect. Push yourself to continue this journey, even if you feel stiff and uncomfortable at first. Know that you aren’t going to look perfect in every photo, so make it fun. Enjoy the journey and you’ll learn to love yourself!

Step Six: Edit, Edit, Edit

Editing can truly make or break a photo. Something that doesn’t look cool to start with can be made into something wonderful with a cool filter or a rainbow sticker. I wrote a whole post on how to edit your photos for Instagram, so check that out here for deets.

When all else fails, remember that we all started somewhere, and we all had to learn one step at a time. Be kind to yourself! You are beautiful and wonderful and lovely and as long as you remember why you’re doing this whole thing, you’ll be successful.

All my love,


How-To: Instagram Edition

Ahhh, Instagram. The wonderful world of influencers, ambassadors, and affiliates. Does Instagram confuse you? Shock you? Befuddle you? (it’s a word, calm down). Time to stop crying into your phone every time you lose a follower- I gotchu.

Sad Real Housewives Of New Jersey GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Social Media is so much more than a millenial’s creative outlet these days. These days, nothing can make or break a business like Instagram, Yelp, and Twitter. Influencers on Instagram are making hundreds of thousands of dollars each year promoting businesses. Kylie Jenner makes an estimated $1 million per post. Now, most influencers aren’t making that much for every post, but can still afford to quit their day-jobs and spend their days curating their own photoshoots and traveling the world. The great thing about this business, is that there is room for everybody. That’s right, learn a few tips and tricks, and you can do it too.

The Lingo

Let’s walk through some lingo before getting started to make sure we’re on the same page.

Caption: The description on each post, or photograph.

DM: Also known as Direct Message, this is your Instagram inbox where you would receive private messages.

Engagement: The likes and comments on each post.

Follower: An individual who ‘follows’ your account.

Hashtag: a word or phrase that starts by using the ‘#’ sign and is used to organize content/material by the description. It’s a great way to reach out to a larger audience who is looking to find similar content under specific hashtags.

Handle: Your Instagram username.

Newsfeed: Where you find the collection of all the posts from the people you are following.

Post: A photo that you put onto your Instagram.

Tag: Identifies a person or place in a post.

Grid: The posts on your profile.

Set Up the Gram

Having the perfect profile is definitely an important part of growing you social sphere. Let’s walk through the diagram below:

Prof Pic: I would argue that having a profile picture is one of the most crucial parts of the Instagram game. Think about it – when was the last time you were excited to follow someone without a profile picture? That’s what I thought. So how do you choose this mega-important snapshot? I highly suggest using a picture of you, unless you are a store/ company. People will only give your profile a second or two of attention, so you need to choose a photo that really draws them in and stands out from the crowd. I chose one of my most colorful photos, since I felt that it would stand out and was also a great representation of my profile as a whole.

The ‘About yoself bit’: Your bio is your chance to tell your audience what you’re all about (in 150 characters or less). Have fun, but be concise. I like to use emojis to separate mine, making it easier on the eye. Stick to your niche!

Website/ Blog/ Store: You should 100% take the opportunity to link your outside-insta page! This is free space, so use it. Make sure to keep this updated; for example, every time I put out a new blog post, I update the link to reflect the new blog page, making it easier for people to access your hard work.

Highlights of Your Life: Story highlights make a page look profesh. Plus, it’s a good chance for those stalking you to learn more about your life. Love makeup? Do a makeup tutorial and add this to your highlights. Crazy about your dog? Bam, story highlight. I make mine look similar by using the ‘Typorama’ app. I simply chose one of the colors on their app, and then used the type tool to create a title for my highlight. Aesthetic, b*tch.

‘OMG Buy My Preset’: You might have seen hundreds of influencers selling their presets through Instagram. Why, you ask? When a potential follower is scanning your profile, a grid will look more put-together if all of the photos are edited similarly. My suggestion? Try Adobe Lightroom or VSCO. I pay for both (there is a VSCO free version), and they are SO worth. Lightroom is totally do-able! Just watch some courses on YouTube and practice, practice, practice! Better than spending $80 on someone’s preset package, amirite? If you do want to go the preset route, gather referrals first. There’s nothing worst then spending a ton on a preset that you end up disliking (these are non-refundable, friends). Etsy is a great place to start since they have presets for around $5 a pop.

Once you’ve sorted your profile, I’ve gathered a couple tips on how to be successful on the ‘gram.

Don’t Forget Why You’re Doing This: Trying to spread a message? Get more creative in your daily life? Remember to hone in on your purpose and let that drive you when you’re feeling stuck. It’s difficult to go into this only wanting the fame and fortune (I mean, who doesn’t, but still). It’s important to have a reason outside of that, or your posts won’t feel authentic.

Get REAL: Nobody cares if your life is perfect, and you’re rich, and your puppy never seems to age blah blah blah. We get it, and we’re jealous ok?! Want to really connect with your followers? Get real. Be authentic. Show us your vulnerable side! There’s nothing better than realizing that someone who seemingly has it all is actually just like us.

Ready, Set, Engage! Don’t ignore your followers on IG, LOVE them! Spend at least one hour each day going through your followers and potential new followers and like/ comment on at least 3 of their photos. Spread the loveee and it will come back atcha. Find a cool profile? Follow them and share to your followers. They’ll most likely do the same for you!

Okay, you are OFFICIALLY ready to go rock the world of Instagram. Remember, this should be FUN! So enjoy! Make friends! Spread loveeee. And never doubt yourself, cuz honeyyy you are amazing.

All my love,


While you’re here, follow me on the gram to see other Instagram hacks @harpergreylifestyle.

The 7 Apps for Instagram You Didn’t Know You Needed


My favorite app ever ever ever ever (and I’ve been using this for over 4 years!). Many of you seem to love Facetune, but I am not one of you! I found this perfect little app and fell in love. Airbrush allows you to make edits to your face and body, so you can have that perfect glow in every pic, or remove that massive pimple you found the morning of your photoshoot. **Pro tip** Play around with all the fun features, but don’t overdo it. Too much skin blurring can make you look way over-edited!


Want to change the background of any photo? Quickshot is a must! I love that you can alter the effect of the sky, so that even when it’s a gloomy day, I can make it look like we had gorgeous blue skies. These are the secrets that influencers don’t want you to know!

Color Story

The ultimate editing tool. Many editing apps (Lightroom, VSCO, Snapseed etc) give you the ability to get granular with your editing preferences. Altering the color, shadows, highlights, and contrast in a photo is an important part of editing. However, I have found that some apps just do it better than others. My personal fave? Color Story hands down!

You can also use this app for presets and effects. I am a huge fan of the “pop” preset, and have been using it for all of my more colorful photos. I also LOVE that you can add a lens flare or brokeh to any photo. **Pro Tip** when using a filter or an effect, you can tone the effect up or down to make your photo look au naturale.

Lightroom Presets

Lightroom is a great editing app. As a photographer, I know both the laptop and mobile version well. If you’ve ever heard of a ‘preset*’, you know that people spend good money on these! (* A preset is a saved edit that you can apply to any photo within Lightroom to make your feed look uniform).

What people don’t know, is that creating your own preset is pretty simple! Lightroom does have a learning curve, but once you’ve got the basic edits, you’ve got it. Select a photo that is in the same sort of environment that you usually shoot in (usually take your pics outside? Edit an outside pic). Once you edit it to your liking, simply save and name your preset for future use. Easy!

Check out this article for extra details.


The perfect planning tool. This amazing (and free, move over Planoly) tool allows you to plan your Instagram feed as far in advance as you please. It shows you both what you have posted, and also what what you have planned to post.

What I also love about this app is that it helps you search new Hashtags to use. Simply choose a category, and BAM, the app gives you tons of hashtags to try out. So next time you’re feeling stuck and your hashtag game is weak, this is the perfect place to go!

Grid Planning!
Hashtag Planning!


Tired of those people who follow to unfollow? This allows me to keep track of all my new followers, and all of my new un-followers. Simply hook up your ig to the app, and BAM, easy to use!


Maybe my favorite app of all, Retouch is, in my humble opinion, Photoshop in an app. This app lets you easily remove anything from your photos. No more worrying about annoying tourists clouding your shots, or ugly telephone poles getting in your way. With a touch, you can remove literally anything. UNREAL. This app does cost $2, but guys, it is SOOO worth.

While you’re here, follow me on the gram to see other Instagram hacks and ideas @harpergreylifestyle.

The Most Instagram-able Spots in San Francisco

It’s no secret that San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. As a photographer, I am constantly looking for the next best spot, or some fun hidden gem I’ve never been to before. I have rounded up my top 16 BEST spots to take photos in San Francisco. Enjoy!

#16 Green doors at Palace of Fine Arts

Found at the Palace of Fine Arts, these green doors are just BEGGING for you to use them as a backdrop. Plus, the whole area is beautiful in general, so there are lots of great spots to capture your next viral photo.

#15: Chambers SF

Chambers Eat + Drink is one of my faveeee brunch spots in San Francisco. The food is to DIE for, and the restaurant is so cute. Don’t be deterred by the neighborhood it’s in, just get inside and get to brunching (highly recommend the Souffle Pancake OMG).

#14: Lloyd Lake, Golden Gate Park

Golden Gate Park is full of many hidden gems. So many, that I haven’t even seen all of this park! If you’re looking for a good place to go (that nobody has ever heard of!) check out Lloyd Lake. Easy to get to and easy to park. Take the dogs to this one!

#13: Great Meadow Park at Fort Mason

Fort Mason is located in the Marina District of SF (AKA the cutest neighborhood ever). On one side, you get great views of the Golden Gate. On the other, the city. Pack a picnic on a warm day and enjoy!

#12: The Dorian

Another fun brunch spot, also in the Marina! Great food and beautiful decor! Plus, there’s a fun photobooth in the restaurant that you can use for free (it creates a giphy and sends it to your email!). Double Instagram Heaven.

#11: Ina Coolbrith Park

A hidden park in Nob Hill, this spot is a local’s fave, and the view can’t be beat.

#10: Pier 7

Arguably the best pier to take some cute pics. Go at a time that won’t be as busy (i.e. middle of the work day) and enjoy the views!

#9: Anthony Goldberg’s Woodline, Presidio

The Presidio is such a pretty place to shoot, but it can be hard to find the perfect spot. This is such a beautiful place, and secret enough to not attract crowds. Plus, there’s a special parking lot, so no stressing about finding a place to park!

#8: Le Maison

This cute little cafe is home to some of the most beautiful murals in SF. There are a couple different locations, but all are cute. Enjoy a pastry and a cup of coffee for ultimate ‘grammer’s delight.

#7: Bernal Heights Park

Bernal Heights Park has one of the best views in the city! Plus, you’ll mostly find locals walking their dogs here, so no need to worry about crowds!

#6: Legion of Honor

The Legion of Honor is a museum, yes, but it is also home to one of the best spots for photographers (my friend took her wedding photos here!). Located at one end of Land’s End, this museum boasts some beautiful views (especially at sunset, and especially especially in the fog!).

#5: Sutro Baths/ Lands End

At the other end of Land’s End, you will find the Sutro Baths. This used to be a public bathhouse way back when, and now it’s the perfect place to take dramatic photos with your loved one. I recommend wearing a flowy, red dress, and enjoying this gorgeous spot!

#4: Fort Funston

I like to call this place “Puppy Heaven” because it is easily the most dog-friendly beach in the area. I skip the beach and enjoy the sweeping views from the cliffs. If you’re lucky, you’ll also see some hang-gliders heading out over the waves.

#3: Mt Davidson

Another incredible view of the city is at Mount Davidson. A short walk up (like 5 minutes, trust me), and you’ll be at this spot. Definitely the perfect view of San Francisco!

#2: Moraga Steps

Also known as the tiled steps, this is one of the best spots for your next Insta post. This can get crowded, so try to go at a time when most people won’t be around (also middle of a work day!). Local’s Hint: Go all the way up the stairs, then cross the road and go up even further for another dramatic view of SF. Here you will find Grandview Park, or Turtle Hill as the local’s call it.

#1: Marshall’s Beach

My favorite spot in SF because you get everything in one- a beautiful beach, the Golden Gate Bridge, whale watching, and even nudists (gotta get the whole experience, ya know?). Yes, this nude beach boasts on the best views in San Francisco. Fun Fact: my boyfriend took me here to watch the sunset on our first trip to SF together. Was romantic as hell.

That’s it! Top 16 (in my humble opinion). Did you take any pictures in these spots? Tag @harpergreylifestyle on Instagram and let me know you tried these places!

World War 3: The Battle of the Influencers

It’s no secret that becoming an influencer these days can really pay off. It seems like every second, someone with 200,000+ followers is posting a sponsored ad for some fit tea. Sure, these posts can pay very well. Which, of course, is where the jealousy and haters come in. Once you’re making it big, everyone wants a piece. But sometimes, wanting what someone else has can be torture, and can create a dark, hateful world inside the blogosphere.

So, in a modern world, where everyone has the ability to become an influencer, share their thoughts, and work with tons of brands, why are we hating on each other? What happened to women supporting women? Why can’t we be happy for our fellow sisters who are out there doing big things, even if the opportunity hasn’t presented itself to us yet?

I think about these things almost daily. On my own short journey of blogging and growing my Instagram follower count, I have felt that little green monster come out from inside me. I have caught myself scrolling through Instagram, thinking negative thoughts about fellow women that I don’t even know.

I believe that this is due to the ‘celebrity’ effect. Secretly, many of us want to be seen. To be heard. To be noticed. In a new world, where what we eat for breakfast is vital, and writing a caption can take days, it’s hard to be overlooked. When a seemingly normal person attracts this attention on social media, there’s a feeling of ‘what’s wrong with me? Why isn’t anybody noticing me?’ We then begin to take out our insecurities on the people that we see on Instagram.

So next time you’re feeling insignificant next to other Instagram Influencers, I challenge you to take a step back and remember what you have in common with them – you both have a voice and a platform, no matter how big or small. You have both faced adversity in this world, just by being a woman. There is room in this world for both of you.

I then challenge you to change your mindset (negative thinking ages you quicker anyway!). Be a positive force on social media and see what happens. Tell the girl you envy that you love her dress. Use her creative posts as inspo for your own. Spread love instead of hate, and just see what happens. I guarantee your authenticity and happiness will only attract more followers (and fans!) in the world of social media.

So next time you’re drawing comparisons, trying to find who’s lesser than you, just remember that there’s enough to go around, and you can wear your own crown.